I have been sick since Thanks giving! Not ideal. I then pulled the Black Friday ALL nighter shopping celebration! 7pm Thursday - 7 am Friday and crashed for a couple hours just to go out again. All the while I have had a teething baby and a husband off work:: who was more then willing to help as I drugged up with Dayquil and Tylenol ! I am still sick, still taking care of a 4 molars coming in at once teething baby boy, with my husband safe at work. No. Not ideal. But manageable. I have determined today is the last day of my sickness. I will focus on sleep, pills, health and getting out any frustrations today and then tomorrow I will either BE better or Pretend to BE better. But this sickness has got to go! And I am moving on and getting things done! ALLOWING MY MIND TO WONDER::
Being sick allows the mind to wonder of course focusing on stressful subjects and causing frustration.. I decided I am going to get it out! So here I go……..
Who the heck wants to think about money. Savings: I really need to build back up our savings. What will happen in life. I need to be ready for anything so I need a good savings. Tims job? Is it really that great? Is it really something that he is going to want to still be doing in 10 years? Is this what he has a passion for? I know it makes the money but is that enough? I know they keep saying he will get a raise to start off next year. But should I keep my eyes out for careers that would be more appealing to him? Or should I just leave it alone. Will the economy just drop this job? Should I get us into a safer job that might not go as quick? I like change
Who the heck wants to think about money. Savings: I really need to build back up our savings. What will happen in life. I need to be ready for anything so I need a good savings. Tims job? Is it really that great? Is it really something that he is going to want to still be doing in 10 years? Is this what he has a passion for? I know it makes the money but is that enough? I know they keep saying he will get a raise to start off next year. But should I keep my eyes out for careers that would be more appealing to him? Or should I just leave it alone. Will the economy just drop this job? Should I get us into a safer job that might not go as quick? I like change
Why do I like change so much? Why can’t I just keep the same routine with our lives and not want anything different? Will there be a point where I don’t want change? Do I want it because I need it or do I just get bored easy? How come I always think “Great! I love life!” and then the next thing you know I am finding something to change!~?
Why is it so great at times and so frustrating at other times? Am I really the only person out there that gets frustrated? I swear I read all these blogs and no one ever gets frustrated! Is it because they just don’t want to let anyone see the bad stuff or is it because they truly never have bad things happen. And I don’t mean bad like Horrible, I mean bad like their husband was a jerk last night and they are mad about it. Because he always wants to watch T.V. instead of taking out the trash.
My husband can frustrate me so bad sometimes. Then again he is the hardest worker I know. I love that I know he would do whatever to take care of us. He loves me so much and he is the best daddy ever to Jaer. Why don't I show my appretiation more? There are days that I seriously don’t care that he has been working all day. I just ask for help help help! Why can’t I just do my job at home and let him rest? Am I the only one like that? I think I am a pretty good mom and housewife. I keep things clean most of the time and I always am doing activities with Jaer. I have the house run quite smoothly. Why do I always feel as though I don’t do enough? Is it because I don’t or is it just that I don’t know anyone willing to admit they are the same or at least think the same as I do? I am no super hero but I think I do pretty great. I hope I show Tim and Jaer how much I love them. I hope they really do see. KIDS::
Jaer: Does everyone really have these perfect kids that never drive them nuts?! I mean I love jaer more then anything and he the sweetest most well behaved baby I know. And I really do mean that. I always have people commenting on how great he is but:: Can I tell you a secret sometimes HE DRIVES ME CRAZY! Yes most of the time he is fun, funny, sweet, helpful and just adorable but there seriously are times that I think to myself “I Can not wait for bedtime!” OR “Anyone want to baby sit?” It isn’t as though he is a little terror or mean he just can have his moments. And I know as much as he is not a “baby” he is a “baby”. I just feel a little overwhelmed at times. Baby: I am terrified! I am so excited and just indescribably ready and ecstatic. For baby Tayo to arrive but….. I am terrified. Have you ever thought of adopting a baby? It isn’t as easy as it sounds. And please don’t take me wrong I am so grateful and I probably have no business venting but I need to get it out. I am so scared! To have another women completely control your child. I mean its her and God. I am only the receiver and only if that is what they choose. I can’t even make it legal until TWO days after Tay is born. I will literally have my baby for TWO WHOLE DAYS before he is legally ours. I know my pregnancy was HELL and I know that is was 9 months of sickness, throwing up, doctor visit after doctor visit, pill after pill. But this I didn’t expect. Not for it to be this hard. I have had plenty of people tell me it is so hard emotionally. But not like this I think they didn’t want to scare me. Trust is not something I give easy and I have to trust another women, a great, loving, mature, women. With keeping the decision to go through with bringing us our child. As amazing as she is and don’t get me wrong she truly is. Its so hard, but then at other times I have no doubt that everything will run smooth and everything will be okay and he will come to us as though he was in my belly. The other times are just so much harder to me then laying on the bed my husband made me next to the toilet all night because I can’t stop throwing up. Or being poked 29 times in a row because my veins keep collapsing because I am so dehydrated until she finally gets it and the doctor comes in and says change of plans. The emotional roller coaster is so tiring. And then for a moment I walk down the hall and I pass the ultrasound picture of baby brother Tay and I think “For him. I can do this, for him” and this calm feeling just passes over me and everything is okay.
Church: It’s a big subject in our house. We were great with it. Then not so much. Now there isn’t anything Tim or I do that is bad but we’re on that pause stage where you get stuck thinking, Do I? or don’t I ?. And the sad thing is I love church. The actual going I love. The feeling you get when you go or when you read the scripture its great! I love learning the stories, I love teaching Jaerick about Christ and everything that he has done for us. I love the selflessness it teaches and the unconditional love learned and spread. But the people, okay, some of the people make it so hard. I know people always tell you “ It isn’t about the people, its about the gospel” and I get that, I do. I guess I am just not at the strength yet where I can see past the people. I’ll get there I believe but it might take a while. I just need to focus on becoming the type of person who helps others who feel the way I do:: feel welcome and loved and maybe that will get me through the doors myself. Homes: Have you ever driven past a home and thought “ I wonder what’s going on inside”? Tim and I always play this game when we go out together. We look at people and make up stories about there lives. I’ll look at a couple fighting in the car next to us and say “ oh he did it now. He left up the toilet seat and she fell in and she is SO mad” We always end up laughing so hard. Well the other day I thought what about behind the walls. We were putting up our Christmas tree, drinking hot chocolate, and listening to Christmas music (it was like a movie scene) our blinds were open and it was dark so the neighbors could see us if they wanted to. And I thought…:: I really wonder about all these homes around us. Who is fighting, who’s laughing, which house is the one where the mom is sneaking some milk and cookies once her kids are asleep. Does everyone really and chicken and rice dinners? Does everyone have nights where they really just sit around and watch T.V.? How normal are we? I don’t know. Maybe I’m a little bit nuts and maybe I’m a little bit normal. All I know is with all the frustrations and crazy that happens in my life, I am so grateful. I have everything and more. I have good times and bad. I have happiness and sad. ( I did not mean that to rhyme) But most of all I have my family. And as little as we are, we get to grow, we get to learn and we get to be added to. Jaer gets to have a little brother and We’ll get to say we have two crazy boys. We get to say that their dad is a little nuts too. I get to have a husband to ask help from. And I get to have days where I just want to vent about all the craziness that happens and all the thoughts that cross my mind. I get the happy because I get the sad. And I get the normal because I get the crazy. And if sad and crazy is all I have to deal with in order to be blessed by this life. Then I guess I’m okay with that.
haha. if my husband is home i swear that is all he is doing- watching t.v. i can assure you- you aren't the only one that is going through all of life's frustrations!!! if someone tells you that their life is absoultely perfect then they are lying (or trying to stay optimistic.) lol. fun post to read-- you will love reading it in the future im sure! i think it's safe to say that life is more like this than exciting! but i guess thats why those beautiful and exciting times are that much better!!!
ReplyDeleteoh and i hope you are feeling so much better!! being sick is no fun!!!
ReplyDeleteSteph- can I just tell you, I loved reading this post.. Through the whole post I was laughing, nodding my head, sympathizing, crying (almost), and just thinking "well put, Steph!" haha, everybody goes through those "days of hell", believe me, you are not the only one! haha, I can't even relate to some of them (mostly the kids ones) because I'm not there yet in life, but I'm sure I will feel the same way when I get to that point! There are so many different events in life that bring SO many different emotions (especially as women!) but, just like you said, (and yes, I'm quoting you) "you get the happy because you get the sad. And you get the normal because you get the crazy." that's exactly what life's about, you appreciate the good times more when you go through the bad. Anyway, sorry such a long reply, but I just wanted to tell you, well put! and thanks for posting:) You talked about life's frustrations better than I ever could have! If you ever need to vent, I always have a listening ear ;) Hope you feel better, and hope everything works out with your new Tayo!
ReplyDeleteI have no sympathy for you it sucks that life just bites you in the ass and karma is a bitch!
ReplyDeletewhoa, someone forgot their midol...
ReplyDeletesteph, i love you. i've got a case of the blahs about my life right now and some of the things you said helped me feel not so alone in that.
i hope that things get better, not to mention that you start feeling better!
also, at the risk of sounding preachy and weird, my unsolicited advice to you is to pray. the comfort the Lord gives is unbelieveable. for real! :)
miss you girlie. we had some crazy times and i'll always think of our STD! with a smile :)
Thankss to you all who gave positive comments. As for you karma person I have no idea who you are and no idea what you're talking about so sorry if I have crossed you in the wrong way but I can't be offeneded when I have no clue what your relating your comments to. So Enjoy making your comments and I'll just leave it there for you to feel good about. But remember as you make these comments I do agree Karma is a Bitch.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous last time I checked nowhere in her blog did she ask you to feel sorry for her and so thats pretty much makes all of your comments STUPID which describes a lot about yourself since your life is going onto someones blog, being a baby and hiding yourself and commenting stupid stuff. You should read your own words because Karma is a bitch and thats why for stephanie her life will fall into place but for still have your turn. So unless you want to show who you are I suggest you grow up and get a life beyond other peoples blogs! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeletesteph... i totally know what you mean. i defintaly have days like these. im like you i like to get it out and i know thats why i write in my journal and have a blog to write as a journal as well. its definatly the days im going crazy i feel like its every one else who is crazy . but then im grateful for those days im sane (or at least i think so) and realize the wonderful things surrounding me. great post.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous... strangly enough... it is you that we all feel sorry for. Apparently, you have some issues you need to deal with.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Steph! Nicely put into words what everyone feels at one point or another. You can be sure that I am the mommy eatting milk and cookies :-)
Goldie I so thought of you when I thought that too! haha! Love ya! Thanks for the support!