Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jaerick 16 months!

Jaers smile he does when he says Cheese! (above)
Jaers glare (Below)
I know it's late but JAERICK IS 16 MONTHS old!!!
He is at such a fun age! A few things about Jaerick........
* He has the cutest little personality but man oh man he's getting hard.
* He is talking quite a bit now like: I wan dat, i wan some, pease, tank you, me, he cwying, i have dat?, etc. It is so fun seeing him learn new terms!
* Jaerick is still our little fishy he loves when you let him float alone.
*The things that send Jaer into Time Out : Glaring at people, screaming at the top of his lungs, BITING ( THE ONE I HATE!!!!), and throwing thing at or hitting people! Ya he's a little handful!
* He is still his daddy's boy and I LOVE that!
* He weighs 23.4 lbs
* His little rolls are starting to disappear of his thighs! So sad!
* Jaer is so not a picky eater! I love it but we still have to be careful with his allergies.
* He loves to climb especially the stairs! and table!
* Jaer will go in or under things around the house and then say............. mom! mom! mom! I will go find him and he starts laughing so hard! I love it! Don't know where he learned it but I love it!
* Jaerick loves my Dad so much it is adorable! He walks up to him and nods his head (like guys do when they say hi) that's how he gets him to pick him up. He also loves to cuddle with him for so long I love how much he loves him!
Jaerick is getting so big and having such a great personality!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pic of Jear and your Dad!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
