Thursday, September 2, 2010

Early Morning Update...

Considering that its 6:48am and Jaer and I are still up( since 3am)... because he is so sad about his teeth.....heres a post!

Jaerick is teething right now. Not an easy time in his little world! He is getting his 7th tooth! (2nd left incisor)
* He hasn't been napping at his usual time ( 3pm) So he randomly falls asleep and its pretty much adorable! This was Jaer yesterday! Love it! Cousin Braxton is so comfy! 

Jaerick is now moving to a toddler bed. Here's the thing. He gets out anyway... and as a result..........

He somehow skinned his ear! Ya I didn't even notice it until later in the afternoon when I thought there was jelly on the back of his ear turns out it was just a scab and dried blood! I also found the blood spot on his crib that he must have hit when he got out that morning.
This is from the next morning. He must have scratched it all night because there was blood everywhere. We had to keep it wrapped in gauze and tapped until it healed to where it is now. It's the only thing that worked!

* A cute story ( with crib climbing!)  The other day I was lying in bed still sleeping when I hear over the baby monitor " Mom?".... "Dad?"....  " Mom...... I wan Out!"...... " Mom?" I just thought it was cute but rolled over to get a few more minutes of shut eye. Next thing, I see it my door opening up all the way! Jaerick comes from around the corner and yells "RAR!!!!!!!!!!" and started laughing so hard! It was adorable!
* Jaer loves to scare people especially me ( he definitely gets that from his dad!) He hides behind any door or wall and comes out to say rar and laughs then does it again! He'll do it for a half hour straight if you go along with it!
* He plays hide n' go seek! Only problem... I don't always know we're playing it! I'll hear mom!........ mom!..... mom! and I go searching for him. His favorite place is under our hanging clothes in our closet or kyles room if he happens to leave the door open!
* Jaer is saying a lot more just this week. His communication skills are AMAZING! You can totally tell he's becoming a little toddler instead of my little baby! It's really great but kind of sad!
* Jaer will tell you if he is Sinky ( Stinky) It's adorable but he also says it if he passes gas! Its cute!
* Jaer still watches Your baby can read and Word World and I'd have to say he LOVES Word World! Its so cute he knows exactly when he wants to watch it he climbs on the couch and finds the remote and tries to turn the tv on, while saying Wor Wor! Wor Wor!
* Jaer has this little issue..... He LOVES to be naked! He will take off his diaper any chance you give him. Or run off when you go to grab the diaper when changing him. Then he runs and giggles. Its pretty much the cutest!
Jaerick is growing up so much! He has really started to show interest in more specific things and is really growing his little personality! So far it's a pretty great one at that! He is so loving and cuddly! He still loves his daddy more than anything! He knows his routine and knows who to go to, to get what. Like bedtime he wont stay asleep unless daddy puts him down. ( Not always the greatest!) , but if he wants a drink or for someone to follow him so he can show them what he wants he usually goes to me because daddy always says in a minute. He is so smart and so much fun! I am so excited that he has so many things to learn and I get to be there to watch him learn and grow! We love you Bear!

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