Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm back!

Warning!!! A lot of pictures to come!  

My sister Jennifer and I went to Detroit back in October/November. We left Halloween Night! We went to visit my Brother Brandon, his wife Goldie and my nieces and nephews. It was a blast so since I've been (not blogging) out for so long this is where I'll start!

Halloween 2012
Jaerick wanted to be Jake the Pirate. ( from Jake and the Neverland Pirates) We couldn't find a costume his size so this was a mom made. I don't do patterns so I was pretty happy with how it turned out. :0)

 This was us on the flight to Detroit at 11:59 Halloween Night! Then we started touring Detroit! We saw their football and baseball stadiums and the tunnel to canada! It was pretty cool because we went to an island where u could see canada buildings and homes it was pretty fun to see.
 Us hanging out with the Bonewells!
 This night we went out with my brother and his wife and their baby Madison! We saw the coolest old train station that was absolutely the most beautiful detailed building I had ever seen! It was abandoned but my oh my I wish someone would restore it!
 Sorry some pictures doubled ;( But this sign was at a park on 8 mile) oh my!
 We were there to celebrate Goldies Birthday! So happy we got to share that day! I also took pics for them we had about 2.2 seconds but they turned out pretty cute!
 This is a neighborhood called the Heildenburg ( or something close to that) Project. It is some type of Protest/ artistic display. There is an entire neighborhood that people actually live it where people have take the homes that were abandoned and made a statement with them. It was super interesting to be. So different.
We drove all over Detroits downtown it was so depressing. You'd go down one street and there would be just one house after another abandoned and boarded up, then there would be a home with a family here and there. It was so sad.
 After visiting the downtown poor side that was just sad to see. We went to the entirely opposite extreme. Only a few miles away. These homes were 5X larger and more grand then anything I have EVER seen! The home in the bottom right corner was so big I was all the way across the street and I couldn't even fit it in my entire camera screen! Its those types of homes that you can only imagine or see in movies! I wouldn't mind living in any of them! And don't get me started with the yards! Oh my! I was in LOVE! The left corner is the gate of the subdivision where M&M ( the rapper) lives. Yes we had to go there!
 The top corner is the first Ford Mansion, The next photo is the 8 mile exit ( have you ever seen the movie?)
We were on our way home it took us! SO long because they were painting the white stripes in the road and traffic was backed up for over an HOUR!


  1. yay! I'm so glad you're back to blogging... I missed seeing your posts! ;P Looks like you had an awesome time in Detroit! I bet it was such a nice get-away! Love all the pics! :)

  2. I was wondering why you hadn't been doing any blog posts lately! Looks like you had fun!
