Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A weekend to write about!!!

This past weekend I was honored to be the photographer for my friends wedding. They were so cute! They have so much personality and I LOVE them together! The perfect couple!!! Here are some pictures... however the weekend was the LONGEST craziest weekend ever!!! Here's the run down... Camera kept randomly shutting off while I did pictures at the temple, same thing with the luncheon after! So it stopped doing it finally! So the reception was ALL the way in Moab and I had never been there so I thought it would be fun anyway. So readers digest version.... we arrive, every hotel AND campground are full!!! (We planned on camping all along) A lady tells us to go to Lions back camp ground beyond the cattle gaurd and we can camp there for free. We set up head to the reception get there camera dies WHAT!?! ok back on, good to go get GEORGROUS photos, have so much fun it makes me want to re do my reception it was so beautiful! 1 hrs left to go WAY TIRED all pictures done just need random shots oh wait camera dies! Still to this say the camera wont work and I do not know what happened! Awe CraP! Back to camp start fire, Ranger shows up tells us NO fires and we are not in the right spot one $75 ticket later! off to bed, two in the morning freezing and my hip it out Tims teeth were chattering he was so cold, so tired fall back asleep 3:30am move to car, freezing 5:30 am drive around because we are so cold found the spot we were supposed to be was 20 MINUTES away!!! So back to camp, off to breakfast and then heading home, Tim got sick on the drive home, we stopped in SALINA because I wanted to take a picture of these cool water towers painted like soda cans so we stopped and I took the pic with my phone, Back onto the freeway tim gets pulled over!!! Going 80 in a 75!!! REALLY Yep Ticket #2!!! So back home and SO tired!!! We picked up our baby first thing and let me tell you all I wanted was my baby back. Thank you to Tims parents for watching him!

1 comment:

  1. love the wedding pictures. Where are the mt. dew bottle for Tim. Come on now! Thats all he lvoes!
