Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jaerick 13 Months!!!

I'm a little late....
As of the 14th Jaerick turned 13 Months old! and I still can not believe it! He is the sweetest most curious baby!!!
* Jaer has started being a little stinker and loves to bite!
* He hasn't really been saying any new words lately all it is is Da-da, dad, daaaaady or no no is all he's been saying!
* The best thing ever.. he has been bringing me diapers for him to get changed but now he has even started throwing them away!!! Yay me! ( It is funny because I told Tim we'll get preggers when our baby can do that! Ha That's not happening but I teased Tim about it)
* He loves reading time with mommy
* His favorite time is when daddy gets home he goes by the window and watches for him.
* He loves to wrestle with his daddy!
* He is still all boy he loves to be dirty and climb as high as physically possible!
I just wanted to say we are so blessed. Although the pregnancy was horrific I would never trade it for anything. Jaerick makes me feel like the most important person in the world and I love him for that. He is the sweetest happiest baby! I love being Ma -ma!

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