Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He's 14 MONTHS OLD!!!

It is amazing to me how fast time seems to go by! As of the 14th Jaer is now 14 MONTHS OLD! He is such a little stinker! A little about him now.... * He is still daddy's boy!
* He LOVES to tickle he thinks he is so funny.
* He is a little fish he LOVEs being in the pool and would love to be outside in the water constantly!
* He is still our little happy man but O' he has started getting a little attitude!
* He still loves Word World and loves to dance to the theme song!
* He is getting a little pickier about food but he has a big appitite so it's okay.
* He weighs 20 lbs. Yes he lost weight this last month.
* Everynight after dinner he goes over the the stroller and starts to get in because he knows it's time to go on our walk! It's adorable!
* He still isn't talking too much he says a few new things like weh weee - Et - WOAH! (Ready set Go!)
* He hates having to smile at the camera. I think he's sick of it! haha
*He loves to show you things. He'll come up and grab my hand then pull me anywhere he can to show me something then he'll just point and start gabbing about something or other. It's cute!
* My mom watches Jaer when I have to work and so everytime we go over there once we pull on the road he says Tee Yay- Tee Yay (TJ my little brother) over and over until we get out of the car then he'll wave to me and sometime says iye iye mama. It's adorable.
* Jaericks favortie person besides TJ is his grandpa (my dad) No matter what is going on if he hears my dad he get an excited smile and goes to him. When he wants him to pick him up he just jerks his head back ( like guys do to say hi) and my dad picks him up and then jaer goes for grandpas pen and talks and talks to him. It's the sweetest thing ever.
* Jaerick also loves his great grandpa and grandma. Grandpa Belt makes this car noise like no one else and jaer just giggles and giggles. He loves it. Grandpa gives him food constantly and she always lets him have soda from her straw so he is always going over to her for some treats!
Jaerick is getting so big and I really can't believe how fast time goes by. That song Don't Blink is so right. It is like one second you are bringing then home holding their head for them and the next second you can't stop them from running off! Ha We love you baby boy more than anything! You make our lives so happy and full. You are amazing!

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