Monday, June 21, 2010

We love you daddy!

I still remember the moment I decided that one day I would marry Tim. It was the same day I realized he would be the perfect dad. When Jaerick was born I remember the first time Tim held him he looked at me and said " I'm a daddy" It was as if it just clicked! It was such a precious moment. As if it isn't enough that jaerick looks like a mini me of Tim. His little personality has so much of Tim as well! There is nothing more that I love then watching Tim and Jaerick together. When they take naps together they sleep with their hands up, when the laugh they both crinkle their noses, when a truck drives by and you can hear the motor loud they both start looking around to see what it was. I can see Jaerick watch Tim and trying to do things just like he does. Tim loves to try to scare me and he doesn't usually succeed but Jaerick has started doing the same thing he'll come up to me and grab my leg and say Rarrrr.... of course I pretend he scared me but I think it is so cute. When he sees Tim working on a car he'll grab one of tims tools and bring out his four wheeler and start working on it too. I love it. I love that Tim is such an amazing Daddy! I know that no matter what Tim will always be there to take care of us. He always thinks of us first and does everything we need and want. He is the hardest worker I know and I love him for that. :Thank you babe for being a better dad then I could have ever imagined. You are the most amazing, perfect, loving daddy. When I watch Jaerick look at you I can tell he is already trying to be just like you. You are so great at being there for us and you do everything for us. We both love you more then anything Happy Daddy Day!

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