Saturday, June 5, 2010

There's just something about it

There is just something about being " ma-ma"!
Today was one of those days when you sit back and realize how truly blessed you are. I was watching Jaer while he was dancing to the theme of Word World and I just wanted to cry! He is growing up, and learning so much. He has such a huge personality and I love seeing it come out! Jaerick makes me feel so important and loved. He is the most amazing, perfect baby boy. I know every mom probably says the same thing but I just wanted to make sure I got it written down before too long. I want to take in every moment and everything that he does. I can't believe how many things we finally realize we are taking for granite when we become parents! From the first poopie diaper to his first smile, to him giving me a "I'm a big boy mom" look! He is the greatest blessing I could have ever asked for! I love him more then anything and am so grateful that I get to be "ma-ma".

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! When he is alittle shiznit then re-read this !!! HA HA Just kidding. He is adorable.
