Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our first activity list!

Sorry only one activity pictured! My photos just aren't loading :( But here are some descriptions of the activities we did this week!

Sorting Colors
There's always more then one way to play most every game we do. With this I simply cut the top inch or two off the lrg sheets for each color:: Red, yellow, green, blue, pink, orange and purple. Then I cut squares/ rectangles out of the strip I cut off of the top of the full sheet. I do five of each ( depending on your childs attention span.) If they are over it before they've done all of the colors then try doing less of each color. Just a tip Then with white computer paper I cut a strip and glued it to the full sheets. With the same color as the paper I wrote the name of each color. Here's how we play

How to:: Sorting colors. I mix up all the colors squares and put them on the ground in front Jaer. Then I place the color pages all around him. He just goes for it and sorts the colors matching each color to its correct page.

Give it a twist::
* You can have them only do one color at a time that way they are not only sorting the colors but having to sort through the colors to get the right ones.
*Have them tell you the name of each color as they sort it.
  • Have them tell you what letter each color starts with ( Since it is written on each page )
  • Have them sound out the words.
    These are just a few more ideas that we do making one game turn into several more!


When you buy ice trays you normally get at least 2 in the pack. So we went ahead and made 2 different games out of it. Ill go ahead and share them together.
#1 Sorting:: This one focuses on a few things:: Patience, sorting, counting and hand eye coordination. Its really simple. Using the little monkey erasers from the dollar store I tell Jaer to place 1 in each slot. There are 16 slots so it takes him a min. If he tried to pick up more then one at a time I tell him to try again. Make sure one at a time. At the end when he thinks he's done we go back and make sure he got every slot and that they each only 1. I always tell him to put then we go in and do two's then three's etc.

#2Counting:: In the second tray we numbered 1-16 With the little whale erasers we have he puts the number of whales in each slot that it says. 1 in the first 2 in the second. Etc. This gets him to count a LOT. And if he's up for it when count them as we take them out as well!

With this one it was just a random game I came up with I saw the sink mat at the dollar store! The sink mat is a mat with a bunch of square holes in it. So this game focuses on patience and hand eye coordination. Its really simple. He takes a shoelace and strings it up and down through the holes. The strings we have are all different colors so he loves doing a few strings each time.

This one I am going to re do and make it two separate pages 1 – 5 and 6 – 10. Just a tip ;0) Then you simply write the number and write out the number so they can see the spelling as well. Then you draw as many squares there are for the number next to it. Make sure to do this in order that way not only are teaching them counting and numbers you are also teaching them that the numbers increase. There is a difference between numbers some are greater and some are less. You get what I mean! Then I use colorful pom poms from the dollar store and he counts while placing the pom poms on the squares (ex. 4 four then they would place 4 pom poms again one at a time.)
You can also have them::
Count as they take them off.
Tell you what the numbers are adding the (3 pom poms + 4 pom poms = 7 pom poms) Jaers obviously not quite on the understanding that one yet!
How many pom poms there are from the most to the least.
We see that 1 pom pom is less then 3 pom poms.
We also go over that 3 pom poms are more then 2 pom poms. He doesn't understand how many it takes to get to a number. He says it but I don't think that he grasps the concept which is I believe where he should be. So no complaints here! But what he does understand is that there is more or less.

This one I do in three different ways! I bought a poster board and cut it in half. One has uppercase letters, The back has lower case letter, then other has Numbers then the other side has shapes. If you have an older child you can do site words, or anything like that. You simply write/draw these in spots like a parking lot. Jaer gets to pick out 2 cars before we start and then for example with the Alphabet game I call out a letter. He moves the car to park over top of the letter. Pretty simple aye'! With the Alphabet I also will just tell him a sound and he will find the letter that goes with it. With Numbers I will hold up my fingers and he will tell me how many then find the number and park the car! Then with Shapes we've just started trying a new way I'll tell him how many sides the shape has and then he finds it by counting sides ( we only do this with square and triangle) I've thought about making cards that he can just draw himself but for now it works when I just tell him. In case your wondering we use two cars because it adds a little more interest allowing him to pay attention longer.   

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