Friday, December 28, 2012


I am SO excited to be Pregnant again! I wanted to go through a quick run through of everything just to have it for the records. We have been trying for 1 1/2 years to try and get pregnant. Trying different fertility medicines and all. We were going to be starting some steroids and so I stopped taking any meds. Next I just had to wait for my period to start and I would be able to start the steroids  Well 3 days late I went to bed thinking maybe I should take a test and just see. Being disappointed month after month with one negative pregnancy test after another I was reluctant and thought once I checked I would start my period the next day! Just my luck. Well off to bed I went. I kept dreaming about taking a pregnancy test. Then I would wake up, fall asleep again and dream the same thing. After dreaming it over and over again. It was 3:30 a.m. and I thought "fine I'll take a test and go back to bed, at least my mind will be at ease" Well I took a test it was POSITIVE! " NO WAY" I thought to myself. I threw it in the trash and took another. POSITIVE!!!! NO WAY!!!!!! I took care of business lol ran out of the bathroom jumped onto my sound asleep husband and yelled LOOK LOOK LOOK!!! Tim trying to wake up enough to see what the heck I'm up to says " What is it?"  " It's POSITIVE! It's POSITIVE!! LOOK!" I said "Is that yours?" He said! Haha Poor husband can't wrap his head around it! " BABE!!!" so he sat up rubbed his eyes and then click he got it! " OH Babe that's awesome!!!!!!!" He was so excited it was so adorable. We plan to celebrate this baby every second! I can't even describe how amazing this is! I just can't wait for every step! February just before my Birthday we will find out the sex of the baby! I found this little survey thing to keep doing every week to keep record of fun things during the pregnancy. I also love the chalkboards ( like u see on pinterest. ) and do the weekly updates too! Just to find one or make one! So anyway here it is! Let the count down begin! 

How far along? 10 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Down 4 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Nope Not yet ;)
Stretch marks? No more then the ones left over from my first baby! 
Sleep:  Not well. My back and ribs hurt all the time even though the baby is Tiny! 
Best moment this week:  Telling family we are expecting!!!! 
Miss Anything? No I cherish every second of this pregnancy! 
Movement: An entire day without having any nausea 
Food cravings:  Chicken. All different types of Chicken lol 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Lettuce :( and the weird thing is I crave salads and then when I give in and try it I can't keep more than one bite down! I was the same with my first! That part sucks! 
Have you started to show yet: I don't think so. The top of my stomach is getting tighter though so maybe in the next few weeks or so ;0) 
Gender: We don't know yet but for the record. I believe it's going to be a BOY. Tim thinks a GIRL. So we'll see! 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy I find myself to be very excited and happy most of the time! 
Looking forward to: Start feeling the baby move. 


  1. Congrats you guys!! How exciting!!

  2. haha, I love how you jumped on Tim sleeping. So excited for you! Hey, if you haven't found a chalkboard yet, you could use the one I have... I've been trying to decide what to do with it, and was thinking of just getting rid of it. It doesn't have a frame like the cute ones you see... it's actually just wood and kinda big, but it worked and got the point across, lol ;) if you want it, it's yours! just let me know, and I could bring it down next time I come down. Excited to keep up with these updates! love ya!

    1. Jen I'll message you on FB not sure how replying works on here ;)
