Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Braxton

I am not a professional photographer ( YET ) and I tell everyone who asks me if i'll do pictures for them that I am not but ..... let me just say I LOVE IT! Each photoshoot makes me want to be a professional more and more! Baby Braxton is our friends Mario and Bobbie Jo's first born and may I just say SO adorable! This picture came out blurry but it was a quick shot and that face was completely worth keeping! Thank you Mario and Bobbie Jo for letting me capture these moments of your baby boy!
Ok this is my ALL TIME favortie photo Braxton was completely asleep and I set him in this position then bobbie said something and he opened his eye and looked her direction... It was priceless!
and that is a little preview into our shoot! I would love to hear any comments anyone has! Thank you!

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