Sunday, July 18, 2010

Terrible TWO's?

Another month has passed and I am still in shock that it goes by SO fast! Jaerick is just a little stinker!!
He is probably the best baby I know so happy and so loving ALL of the time.... well until the last week or so... Jaerick had a little flash of what i'm guessing will be his terrible two's!!! He decided that no matter what mommy or daddy said he was going to do the opposite and when he got punished for it he would immediately throw himself on the floor and start to throw a fit! Yeah that doesn't go over well with me because if you know me the LAST thing I will EVER put up with from my children is a BRATTY attitude... Tim and I DO NOT want brat kids! ha So I quickly learned to ignore Jaer and let him follow me around throwing his fits and sure enough. It's over!!! YEAH! Crisis averted! ;0)
I tried to distract him by keeping him in his highchair with his favorite treat, carmel popcorn while I cut Tim's hair.... I guess I could have just put him to bed!
We heard the icecream man! The last time I ran after the icecream man was as a little girl in Spokane. So I thought we had to take jaer to see. Tim and I booked it out there with Jaer and got him the traditional Push pop and then Dibs for us YUM! He LOVEd it!
A few things about my 15 month baby boy....
* It feels like he is starting to become more the "toddler" than my "baby"
* He is talking like crazy the other day I stubbed my toe and said OWE OWE OWE!!! now Jaer goes around saying OWE! It is adorable because he makes his mouth as big as he can then it ends in a whistle face! ha...
His main words... oggie & og ( doggie & dog), ile ( Kyle), dad no, dada, dadaye, mom, mama, momaye ; it's funny because they are all used depending on what he is doing like if he is whining it is always mama or dada but if he is showing us something its momaye and when he is saying hi it's usually hi mom or hi dad. It's so cute! He also says bud ( bird), all (ball), no, on't ( don't), ut (up), noun ( down), Hi, iye( Bye), ahhma ( grandma), yeee yea ( TJ), uh oh, ere ooo oh ( here you go), or ( more), O ju ( hold you), ace( thanks), ewe, oose ( shoes), us at ( what's that), tickle tickle which is my favorite one! etc. That's all I can think of at the moment.
* He is bearly starting to repeat things for me in front of people.. I'm sure he'll get there soon enough.
* When he wants to leave his great grandma and grandas he goes and gives them kisses waves bye bye and heads to the door. (it's pretty much cute!)
* He is a big cuddler lately to me I think its because I've been working so I'm not around as much but I still love it!
* He loves to wrestle with daddy still
* When we get in the car he will sit there and talk on his toy phone! So cute! (it's a cars phone) * He is finally jealous when I have another baby to hold.( has to be baby baby like a newborn) Sad but it makes me feel special!
* My ALL TIME favorite new thing about jaerick..... he goes into the pantry and brings me popcorn only when tim isn't home... I'll pop it and he will sit next to me and eat the popcorn while we watch one of MY shows he'll sit there for the entire hour long show! and randomly get up and kiss me then sit back and back to the show and popcorn. It is the most precious, adorable, special moment! I love it!
Jaerick you are the greatest blessing that I could ever ask for. You make me so happy and full of life. I love you so much! I am so excited to see how you'll grow up. But you'll always be my baby Jaer bear.! I love you Love, Mommy

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