Thursday, July 8, 2010

Great Deals and Great Times....

How much did I spend!?


( Check back to see the transformation soon! )

I know... I'm amazing!

And now the sofa table I have been looking for forever....... How much?
(Check back for tranformation soon!)
Don't be jealous it's just what I do!!!
This past weekend as you all my know was the Happy 3rd, 4th, 5th of July! Since it's Utah I seriously think they should have made a banner saying this... It was a great weekend though and this is how it went..... I had to work all weekend so Tim tried to celebrate with Jaerick as much as he could... sat I just came home and slept then sunday... we did breatfast then I was off to work. Tim took Jaer to Town Squares splash pad my little fishy loved it! I love that Tim has caught on that I want pictures of EVERYTHING! haha! It was so fun to atleast get to see what the boys did all day. Then when I got home we had a nice BBQ for dinner and watched our neighbor set off some fireworks. That next morning I had the day off so we went to the hurricane parade ( Luckily living here if we missed it one day we can just go to another near by town and see the celebrations there)
Jaerick was spoiled with a mint chocolatechip icecream sandwhich before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa T.j's for some fireworks. Unfortunately I went through a little chill this past weekend so I didn't have much energy so I didn't get pictures but it was so cute. Jaerick ooo'd and ahhhhh'd and clapped the entire time.

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