Tuesday, August 10, 2010

IT's TIME!!!!

NOW INTRODUCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep! I found the perfect Time Out mat for only .50 cents at a yard sale last saturday!
As you can see today was the first day I put it out and he hasn't had to use it yet so he still thinks it's pretty cool! haha ( Not for long!) Since I am going to start being home WAY more with Jaerick I wanted to start getting into the whole parenting thing! ha No Tim and I were just talking about how Jaer is getting older and its time to start introducing some new things like Time Out and now that I can really focus and enforce it, it was a great thing that we found a mat just the weekend before! The one I found online was $20 so this was a huge save!
Jaerick got yet another hair cut this time it was just a trim I swear that hair of his is determined to be a mullet! Oh well good thing I can cut quick!
Okay funniest thing ever in this picture is Kyle ( Tims friend that is living with us) Jaerick has really grown to like him and thinks he is pretty cool but no that is not what these pictures are about. So when Jaerick gets told No by me or Tim he goes and pouts to the other parent tim or I. And when he gets a No from us both off to Kyle! Yep Tim said No to Jaerick right before this picture and Jaer looks at me and I shook my head and said No so he glared( his new brat thing) and went to kyle and sat with him for the next ten min or so. It was so cute!
OH YEAH>>>>>>>

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