Monday, January 28, 2013

15 weeks

How far along? 15 Weeks Today!
Total weight gain/loss: No gain yet and happy about that! 
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: I hit exaughstion this past week and got sick! I was so tired I couldn't think straight and finally I got sick which was kind of a blessing because I could finally have a break and sleep! I took medicine and was knocked out! I slept from 2pm - 6am! I had two text message conversations with out even realizing it! I was tired! Still sick but doing better and able to go to school and everything so that's been okay. 
Best moment this week: 1 / 27 Officially felt the baby move today! ( more than just the flutter ) It was perfect timing and SO AMAZING!! I was standing in the bathroom and told Tim " The baby has moved up so much higher its not only tight on the bottom anymore, feel how tight it is right here" (above my belly button) Tim pressed on my stomach and right when he did PUSH! Baby moved! So both Tim and I felt the baby for the FIRST time at the SAME time! It was the perfect moment! So excited!!!!
Miss Anything? Sushi 
Movement: I felt the baby Sunday morning (story above) and I felt the baby again today! I just love it!
Food cravings: Something sweet
Anything making you queasy or sick: coughing..
Have you started to show yet: Yep! and I have to say I kind of love it! Every time I stand by a mirror and I see myself sideways I just laugh cuz there's a baby belly there ;0)
Gender: Tim still says Girl I'm still saying Boy but for the last few weeks Jaerick refers to his baby as a she and girl. We'll see! 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired.
Looking forward to: Finding out if this baby is a Boy or Girl!
What's New? We find out the babies sex in 3 more days!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. i love ur blog- i saw it from Lindsey's blog- that is exciting your having baby #2!! well anywho this is Cassidy Maxwell if you remember me from high school.
